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3 Reasons Children Need a Dental Checkup Before Summer Camp

As school ends and thoughts turn to plans for summer camp, now is an excellent time for all children to receive a dental checkup. Regular dental checkups are crucial for children as well as adults, as they allow us to catch small problems before they escalate. Along with a checkup, your child will also receive a professional cleaning, which removes plaque and tartar that are left behind from brushing and flossing. Here are 3 big reasons why your child should have a dental checkup before going off to summer camp.

1. Convenience

The school year is busy. From September through May, children are wrapped up in studying, extracurricular activities, sports, and social obligations. Teens and young adults may also be balancing an after-school job. The summer months bring their own list of priorities with camp, family vacations, summer jobs, parties, and socializing. Early summer, just after school ends, is a transitional time during which your child tends to slow down a bit. Take advantage of this respite to take care of their oral health.

2. Prevention

Most camps are known for juice, soda, fruit and other sweet snacks even with healthy menus. At home, many families indulge in peaches, plums, grapes, watermelon, ice cream, popsicles, and other sugary foods and beverages over the summer. Make sure your child’s teeth are in the best shape they can be to resist the effects of summer sugar overload.

3. Record Keeping

At camp and at home, most children are highly active during the summer. Whether they are rock climbing, horseback riding, swimming, or hiking, summer activities tend to carry a risk for dental injuries. Should an emergency arise, it is always a smart idea to have a recent checkup on file.

A recent checkup can also help the local dentist determine how best to treat your child.

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are vital for children as well as adults. They are the best defense against problems that could worsen over time, such as gum disease and tooth decay. Scheduling a checkup before your children go off to summer camp allows us to ensure that your children are as well-protected as possible against summer dental emergencies so they can get the most enjoyment during the summer months.

Ready to Get Started?

If you are ready to start your child on the road to excellent oral health contact “Dr. Jeff” Ginsberg, DMD, at 914-245-1670 to schedule your child’s first appointment.

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