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5 Back-to-School Tips from Dr. Jeff to Keep Your Kids Healthy and Happy!

The back-to-school rush can get hectic, and it’s easy to let things slip. By starting to re-introduce the school year routine now, the transition from summer days at the beach to sitting in a classroom can be easier and almost pain-free. Here are five tips from Dr. Jeff to make it a little less hectic.

1. Schedule your child’s back-to-school dental visit

If you scheduled your check-up this summer, great. If not, It’s never too late! Some kids are fresher in the morning; some are better after lunch or a nap. Scheduling an appointment when they are most cooperative helps their dentist and hygienist partner with your child best! Always bring any dental appliances & ask about a mouth guard for the beginning of fall sports season.

2. Pre-plan and meal prep your kids’ lunches and after-school snacks

This makes healthy choices easier. Choose foods like apple slices, low salt lunchmeats (like turkey and chicken) and snacks like veggies and cheese cubes. Consider making lunch the night before with your child to make mornings a little less hectic.

3. Lay out your child’s clothes the night before

This makes the morning routine less stressful and empowers your child. If your child is a little older, put out two outfits so they can choose which they want to wear. That night, you’ll only have to choose one outfit to give them a choice for the next day!

4. Gradually alter the bedtime hour

Parents are usually more lenient when it comes to bedtime in the summer. Start putting your children to bed 15-20 minutes earlier until they are back to their regular bedtimes a few weeks before school starts. This will make regaining your usual nighttime routine less of a shock for the whole family.

5. Recommit to your child’s dental care schedule

Summer fun can disrupt your family’s brushing routine. As you get bedtime back in check, have your child brush their teeth for two minutes every morning after breakfast and every evening after dinner. Make sure they floss once a day, too. If they have trouble holding dental floss, try a Y-shaped flossing device specially made for kids.

Ready, Set, Go to start the school year off right!

If you want top notch, personalized care for your child, see Dr. Jeffrey Ginsberg, a pediatric dentist in Yorktown Heights, NY. Private dental care is affordable, with or without insurance. Dr. Jeff truly and his staff makes every visit a child who comes into the office.

Contact us today to make your child’s first appointment with “Dr. Jeff” by calling 914-245-1670 go to to schedule their first appointment. Give your child a solid start that will lead to a lifetime of good dental hygiene:

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