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Proper Dental Upkeep: What to Do Daily Between Visits

It is highly recommended to visit the dentist twice a year, or every six months. This ensures that any cavities or other oral-health problems will be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. Putting off dental visits can lead to worsened problems, such as tooth erosion, nerve damage, or widespread infection. 

It’s the time in between dental visits that provides for the real dental success. While a twice-annual visit provides a deep cleaning and flossing, this hygiene regiment must be upheld year-round, with daily practices to keep your teeth and gums clean and happy. The following is our prescription for proper dental upkeep so you can stay on top of your oral health. 

1. Brush twice a day.

It’s what you’ve always been told - because it’s true! Brushing twice a day is the secret to keeping extra dentist trips to the dentist at bay. Brushing your teeth removes any bacteria from food or drink that can lead to cavities

Each of your teeth has enamel, which protects them. Think of enamel as an armor for your teeth that helps them to do their job of chewing. When teeth brushing is neglected, the bacteria from food and drink is left coating the teeth, and can erode the enamel, leading to tooth decay (cavities). This can also lead to a myriad of other tooth infections. Brushing twice a day removes any lingering bacteria, ensuring your teeth stay clean. 

Virtually all dentists recommend brushing your teeth right when you wake up in the morning, and right before bed. 

2. Floss once a day. 

Flossing may sound like a chore, but the more frequently you do it, the happier your gums will be. Flossing removes any plaque, debris, or food particles that your toothbrush was unable to access in between your teeth. 

If you only brush and fail to floss, you’ll likely notice that your gums become puffy and irritated because of the presence of this debris. This can also lead to cavities in between your teeth, which are especially cumbersome.

3. Rinse with fluoride at night. 

Finally, make sure that you’re rinsing with fluoride every single night after you brush and floss. Fluoride works to protect the enamel of your teeth overnight, to prevent bacteria from growing, flourishing, and beginning to erode the enamel. Think of fluoride as a way to strengthen the enamel armour that your teeth naturally have. 

Some toothpastes have fluoride, and fluoride is also naturally occurring in most tap water. It’s a good idea to also have a nightly mouthwash regimen to loosen any remaining debris that brushing and flossing didn’t reach, while also protecting your teeth overnight.

In addition to these daily dental practices, be extra cognizant of consuming sugar-laden beverages or food. Bacteria thrive in the presence of sugar. If you love having a sugary latte or an afternoon soda, consider bringing along a toothbrush on your day, or adding in a few midday brushes. Each of these steps will keep your oral health safe and sound.

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