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Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Knocked-Out Tooth

Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Knocked-Out Tooth

Kids are active and curious. Yet despite all the fun they have, medical emergencies sometimes happen—such as a knocked-out tooth.

Whether your child has baby or permanent teeth, you should always take action if your child loses a tooth. Here’s why pediatric dentists Staci Brunell, DMD, and Priyanka Patel, DMD, from Yorktown Pediatric Dentistry in Yorktown Heights, New York, say you should never ignore a knocked-out tooth.

What is a knocked-out tooth?

A knocked-out tooth occurs when trauma, injury, or an accident causes your child to lose part or all of their tooth. This is different from when your child naturally loses their baby teeth before their adult teeth come in.

Teeth that are knocked out can range from being extremely painful to a chipped tooth that your child barely notices. A knocked-out tooth is always a dental emergency, even if the tooth is a baby tooth or your child isn’t in pain.

Why you shouldn’t ignore a knocked-out tooth

For the following reasons, you should always treat a knocked-out tooth as a potential emergency. Here’s why.

It minimizes potential permanent loss of adult teeth 

If your child’s knocked-out tooth is a permanent one, quick response and treatment will help. Our dentists might be able to reinsert and save the tooth, meaning your child can avoid the medical risks of a missing tooth or a dental implant or bridge at a young age. We can also put a crown on the tooth if it’s chipped.

It will reduce pain levels

Losing a tooth can be very painful for your child, and they might experience bleeding or swelling in the gum and surrounding area. Our team can help reduce pain and swelling and help stop any bleeding.

You’ll lower the risk of injury or infection

Losing a tooth can cause your gums or mouth to become infected. There is also the risk of cuts, other injuries, or infection of the gum if the tooth isn’t cleaned properly.

If your child’s tooth is partially chipped or came out in multiple pieces, parts of their tooth may still be stuck in their mouth or gums. This could lead to injury, such as the tooth accidentally cutting your child’s mouth.

Managing a knocked-out tooth

If your child has a permanent tooth and it comes out in one piece, carefully clean the gum where the tooth came out and your child’s tooth in tap water. Try to reinsert your child’s tooth.

If you’re unable to reinsert the tooth in a way that it’s stable, place it in a glass of milk. Then, call our office or emergency services for advice and urgent care.

For a baby tooth, follow the same steps of cleaning the area with the damaged tooth, and then call us for advice on further care.

With prompt action and dental care, your child can get the help they need after knocking out a tooth. For emergency dental care, call us immediately at 914-200-1185.

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